
2015年10月8日, 金剛持慈尊廣定大司徒巴應印度心靈精神及人文環境服務交流會議的邀請, 以榮譽貴賓的身份前往拉賈斯坦邦齋浦爾參加該會議。


Respected Guruji Tai Situ Pa

The First Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair- Jaipur, which is a highly popular event in Chennai for the past seven years in which hundreds of Indian spiritual organisations showcased their service activities and over 7-8 lakh people visited, will be held from 8th to 11th October, 2015 at the sprawling grounds at SMS INVESTMENT GROUND, RAMBAGH, JAIPUR, Rajasthan. The Sixth Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair 2014 was last held in Chennai from July 8- 14, 2014.

A detailed write up of the activities proposed at the HSS Fair along with a humble request to invite you to be the Guest of Honour at the inaugural and encourage this great initiative to promote service through spiritual path, is being attached for your kind consent please.

We look forward for your kind consent please.

Warm regards

(Dr. Subhash Chand Bapna)


Hindu Spiritual and Service Foundation

Chapter – Rajasthan, Jaipur

邀請函 PDF 檔

所有的宗教都是為人類價值努力貢獻的同一個家庭, 尤其是佛教和印度教, 就像兄弟一般, 依據甚麼心靈上的方法來努力並不是最重要的, 最重要的是所有人都在追求快樂, 沒有人喜歡痛苦, 這是所有人類共同的目標, 因此所有的宗教都應該為這樣的目標而努力, 以獲得究竟的和平及解脫輪迴的痛苦, 並獲致究竟涅槃。

許多偉大的精金神領袖, 包括像 "生活的藝術" 創辦人 Shree Shree Ravi Shankar, 也在這項交流會議中表達相同的看法。
